Thanks to generous donors, 2012 was a great year.
We completed 2 projects. At the village of Gongali, we completed our 4th building; a Kitchen/Dining Hall to add to the 4 classrooms and 2 Teacher Residences built previously.
At the village of Kilimamoja, we built the first 2 classrooms.
Once we start a school project, we must continue adding buildings every year until the whole school's building program is completed, otherwise the pupils cannot graduate into the next higher level of classroom.
We have also realized that we cannot stop at just the classrooms. So we've extended our building program to include a Kitchen/Dining Hall, Teacher's Residences, water supply and electricity at each school site. The food program, where the village provides the food and kitchen staff, ensures the kids have at least one nutritious meal a day. Providing free housing to underpaid government teachers allows them to now afford a higher standard of living with their income redirected to better raise their children. No community can exist without water: to provide nutrition, hygiene and sanitation. The electricity will also allow computers (that have been donated by another non-profit organization) to be used in the classes.
We are discovering that the school site is becoming a self-sustaining mini-community. The villagers are excited with the new facilities and are using them to grow their community spirit. At Gongali, one of the classrooms is now being used for church services. The Dining Hall allows wedding ceremonies and other community celebrations. Adjacent their residences, the teachers are raising chickens and growing grains and vegetables in a garden. They are happy to be raising their children here.
What's in store for 2013?
The graphics below show our construction goals for the upcoming year. Alan will be going to Tanzania several times in 2013 to complete these projects. The first one, in Kilimamoja village, is the Teacher's Residence for 2 families sponsored by a retired BC Engineer and family. It will be completed in January 2013.
We need to keep building to complete these schools sites and start new ones in other villages, and fortunately, we have had more and more donors joining our cause to allow us to do this. Individual donors have "purchased" classrooms, at $7,000 per classroom, and have dedicated it to a loved one, living or deceased. We will be providing a plaque mounted on the classroom wall. BC Ferries is currently raising money through in-house raffles to sponsor a classroom and as of today, 12 December 2012, are almost at their goal.
We need in excess of $80,000 to complete these projects in 2013. We are currently at approximately 65%.
We are in a festive holiday season where we can count our blessings. Let's share our wealth by contributing to the education of young hopeful African minds. The children of Africa need us to give them a chance to realize their dreams of a normal healthy life for themselves, their families and their community and country. So...
Please donate
Here are some ways to donate:
1. Sponsor a classroom, teacher residence or Kitchen/DiningRoom here.
2. Buy construction materials here.
3. Canadian schools; become a partner in our "Coins For Classrooms" initiative.
4. Be a member of our team to "Climb Mount Kilimanjaro" in Sep 2013.
5. Or simply, just send in any amount, no matter how small.
Thank you
Alan R. Roy
Gongali Village School

children at the Gongali Village School, built by Primary Schools for Africa in Nov/Dec 2010
Monday, 10 December 2012
Saturday, 27 October 2012
Alan returned from a very successful trip to the Karatu region in Tanzania where the 2 buildings were officially opened with colourful celebrations, speeches, and musical entertainment at each village site.
Below are the project updates from Alan's Africa trip in September 2012.
UPDATE NO 1 - 10 September 2012
Hi All
Greetings from Africa
I arrived in Arusha on 5
Sept, to be enthusiastically greeted at the airport by Mathew and his family.
Little Maureen (named after my wife) is now almost 2 years old and greeted me
with a few English words, “hello, Babu Alan”. How quickly she is growing.
Saturday, 8 September 2012
After a couple of days to
acclimatize, Mathew and I and our driver Deogratius left the Outpost Lodge on 8
September on our 3 hour trip to check out our first project in the village of
Kilimamoja. We met briefly with Mayor Winner Msemo at his village office, then
drove off to the site 3 kilometres away, the mayor following us in his 4-wheel
We arrived at the school site
to, yet again, a colourful sight of about 50 villagers singing and dancing in
the newly created courtyard adjacent the building. The new building has been
positioned perpendicular to the gentle slope, so to make the adjacent courtyard
level, the builders built a stone retaining wall at the lower end and filled in
the space with excavated clay subsoil. The children danced and sang their
routine in the centre, their flip-flops and bare feet kicking up red dust in
the process, while parents and elders lined around the perimeter clapped to the
expert rhythm created by a teenager beating on a makeshift plastic pail drum.
Women dancing a traditional dance followed that. They were practicing for the
grand opening celebrations next week on the 15th. They were happy
and joyful; a memorable sight.
The building at about 90%
complete looked good; the roof was on, the interior ceiling was being
installed, the final floor finish of 2” of smooth-trowelled cement was
underway. They only have one week left to put on the wood roof fascias, install
the windows and doors and finish the exterior and interior painting.
“Well, Fabian”, I asked of
the builder, “Are you going to be finished on time?”
“Hakuna matata” (no worries)
he replied; the usual non-commital response I have come to know that could mean
either yes or no. My assessment; probably, yes, because although their work
rate may seem slow, it is at a steady pace that accomplishes more than one can
The positioning of this
school on a slope overlooking a wide valley shaped like a three-sided bowl that
offers a spectacular panorama of village homes sprinkled over the opposite
slopes two to three kilometers away.

“The children from those
homes will now come to this school”, explained Winner, “since they must walk
too far, up to 8 kilometres, to our other village school. We want the maximum
travel distance not to exceed 4 kilometres.”
Winner explained that the 2
existing schools in their village of close to 6,000 (a large village that we
would consider a town) are separated too far from each other, so the
positioning of this new school will reduce children’s travel distances to the
desired maximum of 4 kilometres as well as take care of the village’s growing
I looked at the new water
point located a short distance from the school building. It was this year’s
previous project; we funded the cost of connecting the school to an existing
water point some distance away. I was impressed with the village’s planning
initiative for water pipe distribution. From the water point, pipes would be
extended to new male and female toilet buildings (that they would build as
proper concrete brick buildings) as well as both the school and the future
teacher’s residences. The site planning was conceived without any need for my
input since they assumed the Gongali concept could be applied here. Impressive
initiative and leadership!
Back at the Mayor’s office,
we had the formal meeting I requested to review the school’s operation. We were
assured of 2 key concerns; that classes would be filled, and that every effort
would be made to secure quality teachers. As with¢ Gongali, application would
be made to the District Council through the District Education Officer’s
office. Winner explained that teachers will be attracted to this new school
because of its construction quality and provision of free accommodation in the
We discussed the future
construction phasing; subject to our funding, the desire is to build a
Teacher’s Residence for 2 families building next year; 2 more classrooms the
following year; a Kitchen/Dining building the following year; then the 3
classroom building a year later; and finally, the Library/Teacher’s room
building a year after that.
Before leaving, I queried the
opening celebrations they were planning.
“It will be a surprise”,
Winner replied, “but be prepared to say a few words….”
On the way to our
accommodation at Claude Goi’s Tanzanice, a beautifully restored farmhouse, I
reflected on how smooth everything was going with this project. I felt fully
reassured for the first time that the school would be a success; they had a
determined leader in Mayor Winner, and with a name like that, how can they
Sunday, 9 September 2012
After royal treatment at the
“Tanzanice” (a beautifully refurbished farmer’s residence) accommodation, we
drove the 6 kilometers from Karatu to the Gongali school site to see the
progress of construction of the Kitchen/Dining building and to meet with Mayor
Hayshi and the schoolteacher, Medard John, both of whom I hadn’t seen since
last November.
I only managed a quick glance
of the construction since our arrival coincided with the start of Lutheran
church services in our Dec 2010 building’s classroom where, to my surprise,
about 80 villagers had managed to stuff themselves but seemed reasonably
comfortable. I accepted their invitation to join them, happy to see the
multipurpose use of the school building. The service was entertaining; going
from staid scripture reading to incredibly lively singing of hymns to the beat
of makeshift drums.

After the service, we
strolled over to look at the progress of construction. Builder Fabian Ammas,
grinning with satisfaction (and so he should) greeted Mathew, Mayor Hayshi and
myself . “It looks great” I told him, his grin widening even more.
“What about end gable, do we
fill in?” he asked.
“No, leave it open”, I
replied. “It will be nice to expose the roof truss construction from the

“Hakuna matata”, I offered,
picking up from a similar Kilimamoja conversation.
In the dining area, Mayor
Hayshi commented on the maximum number of children that could be accommodated.
“Only 64 children? I think we can have maybe 100 in here, do you think? I had
planned the seating arrangement based on 18” width per child, which, according
to our Canadian standards, is crowded, and a centre aisle width of 5’. We
agreed that by reducing the aisle width to 3’, we could achieve an 80 child
sitting that also works well as 3 sittings with the projected total number of 7
classrooms at approximately 30 – 35 pupils each.
Mayor Hayshi confirmed the
importance of the food program. Stepping back and raising his arms as if to hug
the building, he smiled with satisfaction; “We will supply the new metal stove
and all the chairs and tables. And we can use this space for village
Later, I had the pleasure of
meeting the new teacher, Mrs Sarah Mollele, her husband Mark Mollele who were
now occupying the 2nd Teacher Residence unit we had built in 2011.
Mark was also a teacher (actually, headmaster) at one of the other Gongali
primary schools. Their 2 beautiful preschool-aged children, Ebenezer and Karen,
typical of all village children I meet, greeted me with curiosity and wonder.
When I kneel to their level to shake their hand, I’m always amused when they
reach up to touch my hair. Mark
and Sarah love their new home. We were invited inside to view their recent
furnishings and then afterwards have lunch with them.
The home was beautifully
furnished (see the photo), although a little cramped looking. Mark reluctantly
agreed that a little more space would be better. I made a note to myself to
increase the size of the future planned residences. We discussed the cooking
process and its spatial needs; something that up to know has been somewhat of a
mystery to me to design. Sarah does her cooking traditionally on a pot over an
open wood-fuelled flame next to the building. I had designed the cooking to
happen in a roofed-over porch area with partial height walls to protect from
wind. The idea was to be able to cook in all weather conditions, with smoke
naturally ventilating above the walls. The problem here was that Fabian had
misinterpreted the drawings and built the walls full height - so no smoke
ventilation. “We’ll have to make some modifications,” I offered. Sarah said she
would look forward to cooking there; that it would work better. I was happy to
hear that.

Lunch was good; chicken,
rice, vegetables – their first class Sunday meal.
After lunch, Mathew, impishly
smiling, invited me outside to look at something. A huge pleasant surprise.
Behind the residence was a small sturdily built 3-room building housing a
chicken coop, a toilet room and a shower room, that the village had built for
the teachers. A vegetable garden was planned behind that. They had all the
amenities to sustain themselves, affording teachers a well-deserved elevated
quality of life.
I began to realize that what
was happening with this development. What started out I thought as a remote
school, is now being transformed into a mini-community; school, church,
community centre, playground, and self-sustaining residences with vegetable
gardens and chickens.
Mayor Hayshi, Mathew and I
then got down to business to discuss the school development and operation. As
with Kilimamoja, the meeting went very well. Mayor Hayshi assured me that the
classes would be filled, and that qualified teachers would be pleased to live
here. Regarding future construction phasing; subject to our funding, next year,
we hope to build the 3 classroom building and a year later, a Library/Teacher’s
room building. Overshadowing the general satisfaction with the project was a
concerned look on Mayor Hayshi’s face;
“We are not as lucky with
water as Kilmamoja” he said. “The nearest government-surveyed opportunity for a
drilled well is almost one kilometer away. The pipe distribution will be
expensive. And there are drought problems. This year was good, but if you
remember, 2011 crop output was poor. We will need water for crops as well as
for buildings. And we would like to have electricity.”
“We can only hope that a
solution will arise,” I feebly offered. “We may get lucky with a donor or
partner NGO.”
On the way back to Tanzanice,
I reflected on the positive aspects of the Gongali school and Gongali village
in general. They were fortunate to have, in Mayor Hayshi, a determined, capable
and intelligent leader. And I cannot say enough about Mathew’s contributions,
balancing a full time job as a restaurant manager in a five star hotel with
project management of our school construction.
Hi All
Greetings from
Africa (Tanzania)
The last week
here was full of amazing experiences and wonderful surprises.
Our NGO application
Between site
visits, Mathew and I visited our lawyer, Marcellino Mwamunyange in Arusha, to
get an update on our NGO application. Over the past year and a half, we’ve
provided all the required documentation, our constitution, bylaws, Director
resumes, and letters of recommendation from the local politicians in our
schools’ areas, however, the answer from the responsible Ministry in Dar es
Salaam keeps saying “tomorrow”. The delay may be related to a government
concern that some NGO’s are being formed to conduct illegal activities.
However, we also suspect they may be waiting for an “additional payment”, but
we will not succumb to that. Marcellino staunchly agrees; we’ll just have to
keep bugging them till they give in and issue us the certificate.
Teacher Training - a big issue
13 September, 2012. We taxied to our wonderful Tanzanice accommodation
to spend 3 days wrapping up the projects in Gongali and Kilimamoja. The
afternoon was spent in Karatu at the offices of the District Chairman, Lazaro
Titus and his District Education Officers, Kinyemi Sepeku, and Mama Vennerando.
We discussed the District’s priorities; English Medium teaching in primary
schools, teacher training, water and electricity to the Gongali School site,
building of high schools and a Teachers College.
I had been
communicating with a Londoner Katy Allen regarding her NGO VPEK’s work in the
Kilimanjaro area to train Tanzanian public school teachers to teach in the
English medium. The importance of this is to ensure Primary School graduates
have English experience to be able to succeed in the English Medium high schools.
At present, there is a 90% failure rate of pupils entering high school with
only Swahili learning. With computer in hand, I brought up her website and read
excerpts from her recent updates. Katy’s training manual was well received in a
long-awaited interview by President Kikwete and his Ministry of Education. They
now want to adopt the book nationally. Great news for Katy; she’s been trying
for years to get her work acknowledged and promoted.
Lazaro and Mr
Sepeku were very interested in Katy’s work and agreed to contact her to look at
the possibility of her training teachers from their district. Lazaro explained,
“Thank you. This will help us while we are waiting to complete our Teacher
College project at the village of Ayalabe.”
Meeting w/
District Chairman Lazaro Titus, & District Education Officers
After the
meeting, I discussed an idea I had been toying with; creating a video of a group of pupils singing the Tanzanian national patriotic song,
and perhaps my joining in somehow. I had been singing it as part of my recent
presentations back in Canada, and thought it would be good for the charity as a
Youtube link from our website. Mathew liked the idea, and within an hour, we
were at the school practicing with pupils from Medard’s Standard 1 class. At first,
it seemed too great a challenge; the kids were so shy and inaudible. And it
didn’t help that Mathew, Medard and myself were hopelessly inexperienced with
instructing. The kids were exhausted after an hour’s effort, so to their
delight, we “freed” them. There was hope, but we needed more time. The opening
of the Kitchen/Dining building next day would be our last chance to sneak in
some more rehearsals and do a “final recording”.
Kitchen/Dining Building Grand Opening
14 September 2012. The day was here for the official
opening. I wanted to downplay the event as a simple event of a handful of
dignitaries doing the usual ribbon cutting, however the village had different
ideas. Mathew and I arrived at the site in the morning to the wonderful sight.
A head table and rows of desks and benches were relocated from the classrooms
to the front of the new building. All the pupils and parents, seated in them,
were singing to welcome our arrival.
Kitchen/Dining Building Opening
VIPs included
District Chairman Lazaro titus, Mayor Peter Hayshi, Mama Vennerando and several
of the village councilors. After the usual speeches, gift exchanges and ribbon
cutting, we had a wonderful meal IN THE NEW DINING HALL. The new metal kitchen
stove was still being built by the Karatu town metalworker, so the food had
been prepared outside at the rear of the building. A dozen or so village women
had been at the site since daybreak cooking their typical grand feast of rice
pilau, potatoes, carrots, and roast goat.
the cooks out
Over a hundred
persons dined heartily; children happily sharing heaping plates of food, along
with parents and politicians, all jammed into a space that normally comfortably
only seats 60 -70. It was a heartwarming and important milestone for the school
and the village to have this food program. The only regret to date was the lack of water supply to the site. But I would discover that that would soon change.
the Dining Hall
After the meal,
another formality remained; the unveiling of the plaque commemorating the
donation of Linda and Chris Peterson of Victoria, who sponsored the cost of a
classroom. Thank you, Chris and Linda. After the photo shoot, a grateful Mayor
Peter Hayshi took me off to the side; “Mr Alan,” he asked. “Please tell them to
come and visit our school. We will arrange a celebration for them and their
Linda & Chris
Peterson Classroom
Now for the last
event of the day; the final attempt at recording the singing video. Teacher
Medard assembled the best 8 singers in a corner of one of the classrooms. A
curious gallery of 30 – 35 classmates filled the remaining space. Medard
assured me that they were ready, having had several practice sessions in the
early morning. 7 takes, several camera glitches, and frequent giggling
interruptions later, we managed to pull off a decent recording in the (a little
too reverberant) classroom. The kids were amazing. They didn’t fully understand
what it was all about, but they knew it was important, and hence took it a
little too seriously. Regardless, they managed some laughter (and relief) at
the end of it. Watch for it on our website.
singing video
End Of Update
UPDATE NO 3 – 20 September 2012
Hi All
Greetings from
Africa (Tanzania)
Kilimamoja Project – Grand Opening
15 September 2012. The grand opening celebration of the first
2-classroom building at the new Kilimamoja Village school.
District Chairman
Lazaro Titus picked us up in his 4 wheel drive at the Tanzanice and suggested
we stop at the village of Ayalabe on our way to Kilimamoja. Ayalabe is located
about halfway between the town of Karatu and the village of Kilimamoja, and is
in a central location to the schools in the area, hence the decision by Lazaro
to build the District’s first Teachers College there, where teachers would be
trained in the English medium. The site for the college was the existing
Ayalabe primary school, a collection of somewhat deteriorated classroom
buildings that in his opinion were beyond repair. The site was flat, with
panoramic views of the countryside, and most importantly, the only one in the
area large enough for the college. He was excited to discuss his plan with me.
“Can you help us
with our project?” he asked. “We would like to relocate the primary school in
phases, one building at a time, to a nearby new site donated by a local farmer.
We like your 2-classroom and office building design and wish to use it as the standard
for all new schools.” That’s a nice compliment, I thought. He continued;
“We would start
with a new 2-classroom building at the new site. At the same time, demolish the
vacated building and build in its place, a new classroom for the college. Every
year, subject to funding, we will build a new building at each site until it is
completed. The college will also have dormitories and dining facilities for the
students. We have ongoing fundraising for the college, but if you can assist
with the funding and construction of the new primary school, it would really
help our schedule.”
“Thank you for
the opportunity to work together for a very worthwhile project. I will discuss
this with our Board back in Canada, but of course it all depends on funds
raised. And we need to continue with the remainder of the buildings at Gongali
and Kilimamoja.”
“Ahsante sana,”
he replied.
A joyous greeting
Hundreds of
villagers awaited our arrival at the school site. As soon as we got out of the
car on a slope just below the school building, a group of a dozen children or
more, led by the beautifully shrill voice of a young woman, sang an upbeat
the new
Kilimamoja Primary School’s first two classrooms
A few minutes
later, throngs of village women and children descended from one side of the
school area above to join the singers. From the other side of the school, a
column of chanting men dressed in their traditional robes and sporting raised
walking sticks, also descended to the beat of their drum. The whole group then,
in one loud cacophonous melee, slowly marched back up the slope ahead of us,
singing and chanting, leading us to the courtyard where VIP tables and chairs
were placed under makeshift canvas awnings to protect us from the hot sun. They
were happy. Some women waved colourful fabric banners, others danced, spinning
in circles, their vibrating tongues creating a high-pitched warble not unlike a
war cry.
After being
seated at the VIP table, we were entertained by a typical tribal dance where
men jumped up and down in unison to the beat of a drum…powerful, visceral
stuff. Then a group of children (on loan from a neighbouring school) dressed in
their school uniforms, double-filed
into the
courtyard in front of our table and sang a medley of songs, including their
national anthem and their patriotic song…very beautiful and moving.
pupils –
Tanzania’s national patriotic song
That was followed by speeches from
Chairman Lazaro and Mayor winner, a Ward Chairman, a woman representing the
mothers of the village, Mathew, and myself. I memorized the first 2 lines in
Swahili; “Habari za leo, mabibi na mabwana” (Good day, ladies and gentlemen), I
started. “Ninayofuraha kuwa hapa kufungua jingo hili jipya” (I am pleased to be
here to open this new building). The rest of my speech was in English, with
Mathew translating, line by line. I kept it short and sweet.
After an exchange
of gifts, we withdrew to dine in one of the classrooms where we sampled an
array of dishes not unlike the feast we experienced at Gongali the day before.
During the meal,
Lazaro seemed anxious to talk to me. “I have good news and a proposition for
you, Mr Alan,” he said. “Since our last talk, the Council and I and our
Engineers discussed a solution to provide water to the Gongali site. We can tap
into an existing small PVC water line a half-kilometer to the north of the
school. The villagers will supply the labour at no cost. We are asking for your
assistance to share the $645USD material cost. I agreed without a moment’s
hesitation. This has been so important an issue here for the past two years.
What a small price to pay for such a life-changing resource for the school.
Finally, we did
the photo shoots of the installed plaques of two major donors who funded the
classrooms, Alicia Lee and Sang Han for one, and my Royal Military College
Class of ’70, who funded a classroom in memory of the recent passing of our
classmate, Dr Sunny Marche. Thank you, Alicia and Sang, and the RMC ’70 alumni.
Dr Sunny Marche
During the ride
back to Arusha, I contemplated the memorable and significant events of the past
few days. It was probably the most vivid school celebration I have experienced
to date, and no doubt, would be considered the same by anyone else
contemplating embarking on a similar humanitarian cause. I can only hope that
our efforts to build these classrooms will be supplemented by the communities
to sustain their operation; that the classes will be filled with children eager
to learn, and that fully qualified teachers teaching in the English medium will
be provided. Judging from my impression of District chairman Lazaro Titus’
leadership, significant progress may very well happen within the remaining
several years of his term of office.
I was happy with
our work to date in the region. The Gongali school now four classrooms, two
Teacher’s residences and a Kitchen/Dining building. Kilomamoja has its first
two classrooms. Our next year’s projects have been proposed by the District;
the fifth, sixth and seventh classrooms building at Gongali and a Teacher’s
Residence at Kilimamoja (to attract quality teachers). If funds are available,
we may consider starting the Ayalabe relocation project with the first two
classroom building.
Majengo Nursery School Update
The last on my
to-do list was a visit to our first school project in the slum district of
Majengo; a two Classroom and Craft Room building built in 2010 on the property
of principal Teddy Cosmas and her husband. It was an eventful visit. Along with
Mathew, I invited one of our directors, Catherine McGill, now living in Tanga,
Tanzania with her partner David Mahoo, to join us. After a wonderful singing
greeting from the children, we retired to Teddy’s living room where we were
updated on the school’s performance by the school manager, a friend of Teddy’s
family, Mr Method Lyaaru, who told of good news and challenges;
Challenges: one
class is filled, the other empty due to lack of funds to pay a teacher’s salary
and the school is chronically short on classroom supplies; paper, books,
pencils, etc. Good news: local women are producing crafted items in the Craft
Room that are sold at the local market and the Lowry/Isdahl clan in Victoria
continues to fund food provided regularly for the children. I’ll digress here
to tell this separate good news story. Last year my bookkeeper Esther Isdahl’s
son Justus Lowry accompanied me to Tanzania to help videotape the schools. Long
story short; he returned to Canada with a new mission in life – to raise money
and send monthly payments to Method to feed the undernourished pupils of the
Majengo school. It continues to be a great success.
the Majengo class
Small miracles happen when you least expect them
We were preparing
to leave after lunch, just as class was being dismissed for the day. In the
courtyard, Teddy pointed out 3 orphaned children. One of them, a 5 year-old boy
named Yassini, had just lost his mother to Aids a week ago. His father passed
away a while back. Teddy commented on his distant and forlorn appearance; “We
have to watch him carefully, he is very fragile right now.”
The three somehow
ended up at the school, and were now being temporarily accommodated in Teddy’s
small home. She needed support to purchase beds for them. Without a moment’s
hesitation, Catherine and David emptied their pockets, generously providing a
lot more than was needed. Mathew, who had been kneeling in conversation with
Yassini, came over to me with the shy little boy in his arms and whispered to
me, “Alan, I like this boy, there is something about him…I’m thinking I would
like to adopt him.”
I was overwhelmed. “What about Rose. Will she agree?”
“No problem
there,” he assured. “We have always wanted a brother for our two daughters, And
I will check if the boy has any relatives, to get their permission, if
We discussed this
with an emotional Teddy and Cosmas who agreed to help with the process of
adoption. They thanked God for the
miracles of the day, and waved us goodbye till our next visit.
Mathew and
End of Update
(Goodbye and take
Till next year, 2013…..and more projects
Friday, 24 August 2012
Update 24 Aug 12 - Gongali School Kitchen/Dining Room
We are pleased to announce that we have almost reached the funding goal for our second project of 2012. With 2 weeks left before Alan leaves for Tanzania to witness the completion of the project, we are optimistic that the remaining funds (approx $3,200 of the $12,500) will come in. Please consider a donation.
The design features a kitchen with a large 2-pot metal wood stove, a Storage Room, and an open-air (no windows) roofed area that can seat 64 children at a time. The tables and chairs will be built by local craftsmen.
Thank you to all who have donated. The kids are very excited with this significant change in their life.
![]() |
60%complete |
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60% complete |
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typical 2-pot wood stove |
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